Complexul Industrial Farmaceutic – Un basm mortal

Un articol interesant de citit despre industria de medicamente.

Titlul original si locatie: The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex: A Deadly Fairy Tale

Autor: Doug Henderson and  Gary Null

It has been a particularly bad month for the pharmaceutical industrial complex in its ongoing litigations in American courts. Among the main pharmaceutical headlines, Merck’s Gardasil vaccine for HPV, now being widely administered to pre-teens, was found to be linked to amyltrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease; following a $1.4 billion fine in promoting one of its blockbuster drugs Zyprexa off-label, deceptive correspondence was uncovered by Eli Lilly gaming the system again by promoting another one of its drugs, Cymbalta, off-label for fibromyalgia; AstraZeneca was fined $160 million for scamming the Medicaid system in Kentucky after being fined $215 million for ripping off Alabama; Glaxo lost a Pennsylvania trial for failing to warn doctors and pregnant women of the dangers of its antidepressant drug Paxil related to birth defects; and Pfizer scored a record-breaking fine of $2.3 billion for illegally marketing several drugs over the years: Bextra, Zyvox, Geodon and Lyrica. These kinds of charges, among the many others, have become a habit for drug makers for the past dozen years.  continuare..

Costul real al medicamentelor
BRAND Name Pret la  consumator
(la 100 tabs/caps)
COST  substanta activa generic
(la 100  tabs/caps)
Adaosul (%)
Celebrex 100 mg $130.27 $0.60 21,712%
Claritin 10 mg $215.17 $0.71 30,306%
Keflex 250 mg $157.39 $1.88 8,372%
Lipitor 20 mg $272.37 $5.80 4,696%
Norvasc 10 mg $188.29 $0.14 134,493%
Paxil 20 mg $220.27 $7.60 2,898%
Prevacid 30 mg $344.77 $1.01 34,136%
Prilosec 20 mg $360.97 $0.52 69,417%
Prozac 20 mg $247.47 $0.11 224,973%
Tenormin 50 mg $104.47 $0.13 80,362%
Vasotec 10 mg $102.37 $0.20 51,185%
Xanax 1mg $136.79 $0.024 569,958%
Zestril 20 mg $89.89 $3.20 2,809%
Zithromax 600mg $1,482.19 $18.78 7,892%
Zocor 40mg $350.27 $8.63 4,059%
Zoloft 50mg $206.87 $1.75 11,821%

4 responses to “Complexul Industrial Farmaceutic – Un basm mortal

  1. Pingback: Razboi întru Cuvânt » GRIPA PORCINA IA O PAUZA PANA LA VARA (dixit Streinu-Cercel!), DAR NI SE DECLARA MULTE ALTE RAZBOAIE (Stiri 1-3 februarie 2010)

  2. maaamaaa ce adaosuri! Care-i sursa informatiei?

  3. La oncologie, acolo se rupe mult. Substanta activa 2 lei pret pe piata mii de euro ca la remdesivir.

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